The long-term success of the banking industry in Hong Kong lies in developing its people. We endeavour to nurture banking talent and promote higher standards of professionalism across the industry. We encourage banks that operate in Hong Kong to support our members within their organisations. Doing so demonstrates your organisation''s commitment to enhancing the banking profession in Hong Kong.
Corporate Membership gives you access to relevant sector news, updates and industry information. Members can discuss industry issues with their peers, non-banking professionals and regulators in our discussion forums, workshops and working committees. We believe that these exchanges provide Corporate Members with important insights and benefits.
As a Corporate Member, you will show stronger support for HKIB's initiative to enhance the banking profession In line with the changing needs of the banking industry, HKIB is recognised as a key training and certification hub by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority through its planned extension of the Enhanced Competency Framework to different functional areas. We also maintain close links with the Education Bureau to facilitate the development and implementation of the Qualifications Framework (QF) for the banking industry, by serving on the Industry Training Advisory Committees (ITAC) and as the Professional Writer of the Specification of Competency Standards (SCS) for retail, corporate and commercial banking, as well as private banking. We believe that your support will be widely recognised and appreciated by the industry and local authorities.